LECMgt in Madrid

Dr. Roger Mason spent a week in Madrid. He was a guest of the Center for Intelligence Services and Democratic Systems, an inter-university program hosted by Rey Juan Carlos University. The Center is the home of The Institute of Intelligence Analysis and Democratic Systems. The institute is a graduate program training students for government and…

LECMgt in 2017

This has been a busy year for the LECMgt team. LECMgt wrote emergency operations and contingency plans, did threat assessments, conducted training, designed and facilitated exercises, designed wargames, spoke at conferences, volunteered in the community, and lectured in universities. We traveled from Hawaii to Spain helping our clients solve some challenging issues. Here are some…

LECMgt in Madrid 2017

Dr. Roger Mason spent two days at Juan Carlos University in Madrid with the students of the cathedra Servicios de Inteligencia Democraticos, the Intelligence Services and Democratic Systems or SISD. Dr. Mason is part of the SISD Visiting Masters program. The visiting masters are subject matter experts, researchers, and academics from around the world who…

West Point and MORS

Dr. Roger Mason has been asked to present a workshop at the 85th Symposium of the Military Operational Research Society being held June 19-22 at the US Military Academy, West Point. This conference attracts operational research experts from the military, academia, and the federal think tanks. Dr. Mason will be speaking on the use of…

LECMgt Returns to Madrid

On June 2-3 Roger Mason has been invited by Dr. Ruben Arcos, Director for the Center for Intelligence Analysis and Democratic Systems (CIADC), to provide his students a two day symposium on the use of wargames in intelligence analysis. The center is located at Juan Carlos University in Madrid. CIADC students graduate with a Master’s…

LECMgt Winter 2017

This winter season has been extremely busy for LECMgt. We have been writing plans, designing games and exercises, conducting training, traveling across the county, and responding to a natural disaster (See: Snow Emergency in Mammoth Lakes). Penn State Tabletop The Public Safety and Emergency Management Team at Penn State University asked LECMgt for help evaluating…

Snow Emergency in Mammoth Lakes

The Town of Mammoth Lakes is one of the premier ski destinations in the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains of California.  LECMgt is helping to upgrade the current emergency operations plans for the Town. Starting in January recording breaking snow began piling up. This made for a fantastic ski season for the local ski resorts but…

Using GAMES to teach more effectively: A great article validating LECMGT’s approach to training!

“The very best way of learning something is to do it,” he said. “This is applied learning that will stay with our students much longer than the esoteric stuff.” Read the complete article here: http://hechingerreport.org/a-military-college-doubles-down-on-making-learning-faster-longer-lasting/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTldRMVpEa3dZVGc0TkRBdyIsInQiOiI4S1VhZUVsS1wvSlhXV3B2ZWJucFpsTHRab0FCdnp1OXc3bnJpOUtXNnNhVGlLY1BxdHZLWmZYMGRTd0V0Z0pyWU1EeHZ0OXJwVHBGZThYUjhhczVORzR5YWNObmVlSDJ5RHJyaFwveEpNRWVYQUtZVlwvYnl3cXg1aUNkMUpPMkxTTCJ9